8 Cheap Rainy Day Holiday Children Activities

A rainbow over a rainy view of Lion Rock on Broad Haven beach

Most don’t cost anything at all and next to no screen time

Yes – we know – you have booked that lovely place on the seafront. Superb sea views and easy access to the beach. You have dreamt of sandcastle building all winter and then – the great British weather lets you down. How on earth do we entertain the kids on a budget?

Go For A Swim

Yes – these are rainy day activities, but why not. You are going to get wet anyway. I can speak from experience when I say that it feels warmer when you get out in the rain.

Have A Carpet Picnic

Picnics are not just for the beach you know. Push back the furniture, put a blanket down on the living room floor and break out the tupperware.

If the children are the right age this activity can be extended by getting them to help prepare the food in advance. You could even make it a learning experience by getting them to plan, budget and shop for it.

No cheating though. Tea and coffee must be put in a flask, even if it is only three steps to the kettle in the kitchen!

Set Up Your Own Cinema

This one does involve a little bit of screen time but with everyone having fun together does it really matter?

Download a film that everyone can watch. Draw the curtains and put the furniture into rows. This is important as it is what makes the difference and ups the excitement level for the younger ones.

Don’t forget to buy some popcorn and serve in buckets for the authentic experience. Similarly, no nipping back and for to the kitchen. If you can’t do it at the real cinema then you can’t do it in this one.

How Well Do You Really Know Your Kids

Do you really know your kids? What do they want to be when they grow up? What is their favourite book, colour, article of clothing? They might surprise you! Follow the link below for some great example questions.


Write A Diary

Have a lovely bit of stationary and a funky new pen helps to encourage some creativity. Writing about their adventures on holiday and sticking some pictures in it too can have the classic school holidays homework done without even trying.

Do A Scavenger Hunt

An indoor Scavenger hunt can be great fun and the children can go hunting around all those nooks and crannies that can be overlooked in your holiday accommodation. We particularly like the variety of these on the Good Housekeeping website.


Learn a new card game

As kids my sister and I have fond memories of family holidays where we used to spend hours playing Beanie and Rummy with the parents. My own children also used to fleece me from time to time on our annual getaway. There is no better way than to build memories with the whole family while entertaining and stretching young minds.

There is a vast array of games out there but if you need a little inspiration and a reminder of the rules check out the link below.


Be Prepared

Were you a Scout or a Girl Guide? When you are packing just throw some cards, notebooks, paper and pens into the suitcase along with the sun cream just in case. If you have room don’t forget the wellies and rain coats too.

And Finally …….

Take a leaf out of Peppa pig’s book and go jump in some muddy puddles. As the Scandinavians say “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing!”.